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Monday, August 31, 2015


Let me hold on to that grip in the dark
while the moon sheds some light,
breaking the silence as it covers the night;
With feeble love.
Making a song that even mute can sing
and dance our way to another brink.
Oh mighty grip that transcends
the way of world,
never succumb to the weight of life
and its brawl;
Bridge the path of ignorance and poise.
Wake up and hold us, in front of hope
which hides in hideous shades of stint;
Tear my skin, bleed me thin, break my bone,
make me cry, out of my will.
Turn me oh the lovely grip.
Pass us the words, keep us sane,
love us a bit more than the reason you came.
Let me hold on to that grip;
Till i die and the imprint disclose stories
forever as the days rise and sighs.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Her: The Paradigm Shift

Early morning as I woke up today, with dilated pupil searching in the dark for my mobile, I saw day in the kitchen has already started. With strained eyes I looked for any update awaiting in my mobile, any scintillating notification that could make a difference to the day, nothing. Then with half sleep I strolled outside my bedroom. There she was sweating and working on the early meal, my mother, she was cooking for the past one hour for me. I gave a glance and went on with my work of getting ready to office. Irritated by mornings I was lazy in swiping the sleep off my system and was late in getting ready for the office cab. As the horns blared I tried to tie my shoe lases fast, my mother came near me with a plate full of food in one hand and with my wallet on the other, standing silently without disturbing me from getting my lases together. I said to my mother plainly 'I don't want the food, I will eat at the office'. She said 'I got up early so that you will eat home food, please eat and go'. Angrily I replied 'who asked you to get up early and prepare food? Go and sleep I have no time'. Then I walked out and went away.

I know I respect my mother and love her but still I treat her bad at times for no reason. Not sure if I will do the same thing with my dad. Maybe unconsciously I have an idea of women, a drive inside that she is a woman it is her duty to take care of us, to endure suffering. Maybe I feel superior as I am a man. A few conjectured ideas is injected into our society, at large in this world that the mental picture of women has become convoluted. Well it might change from my mother to my neighbors’ mother or an actress, my sister, to a stranger on the street or a colleague at my office. Would I have the same morality, stigma or idea towards all of them in an equal manner? Not possible, yet the only thing which we could strongly agree upon is Women are individuals with same emotions, passion, and every other human traits as men. Yet they are so different, there lies the beauty of it all, the nature has derived an intriguing art.

That being said, why do violence, abuse against women is increasing? Is this position restricted with regions? Is this an issue with a country or its culture? Wasn’t rape happening in a large scale during Stone Age and from the start of humankind till now? While giving it a thought, men were educated, trained themselves to a certain extent to avoid basic animal instincts during the course of history. We claim this is a modern generation, we have cultivated modern thoughts. Modern is a relative term depending on time, 50 years back they could have claimed a modern society too. To be honest it is not a fair world for women to live in, every damn rule, every single religion, society, family structure demands so much from them and rip away their freedom. As the song goes ‘This is a man's world, this is a man's world’. What is the ultimate call is respect, yes that is the key word. Women are the first victims of racism in the history of humankind. Abuse starts with a simple thought, raising a generation of men who has respect for women will help, children gain a lot of information from their parents. It might not seem evident but even a simple action in daily life can impact a child.

Sex, I had to bring up this topic, it is imperative to deal with it. Sex is not a taboo, it is not a sin, it is love, it is nature and it is fantastic. While the children grow, they grasp things around deeply which makes sense or not. When parents never talk about love, sex, it creates an image in young mind that it is something bad, restricted, a sin. I have seen few people who think porn is sex!, saddening. Porn is violence covered as an entertainment package to men who are trying to feed their sexual craving. Lust, without mutual love can only be violent, abusive and never pleasant. Do not ever alienate the concept of love, desire, sex. As conversation reduces, no visible sign of respect shown towards women at home, all a child see is women obey men, respect men, and are here to fulfill the needs of men.

What stops a man from crossing the line, what makes him hold on to his moral integrity? Or what makes him cross the line? This can never be answered with fulfillment. All we need to focus on is women need respect, love, and freedom as much as we men are enjoying. Now we could see women working their way up in the ladder, getting a better view of this world that a kitchen would never give. Share, care, be supportive, love, encourage, work together, and respect their decision. After all they are our everyday miracle, they make our life colorful and happy. Let us cherish women around us in every walk of life, they deserve it.

"This is a man's world
But it would be nothing, nothing
Not one little thing
Without a women or a girl
He's lost in the wilderness
He's lost in bitterness"
- James Brown

Friday, August 14, 2015

A Big Fat Hypocrite

There is a time, I was intrigued by the hero cover, wondering what if I can be the one? or impose such a position. Reading various sources trying to live by the ideologies of my predecessors. A morality taken up to impress the people whom I have been associated with, those who have my investment of time, love and bonding. Also to strangers whom I have never seen or will ever do, to whom I am nothing but a name on the internet and they hold no bars in worrying about my sentiments or life. It is normal to gain a momentum of thoughts that lead to certain convictions. Those things which make us feel good inside, that is all we ever needed, a cozy self conscience with a dose of lie.

Hold on to that thought, but aren't we manipulative? I believe for that matter I can even manipulate my own consciousness. It is not easy to make someone believe, it needs patience and very careful steps or maneuvers. Most common saying 'follow what you say, don't lose your credibility'. There is no credibility in people (make no mistake), maybe we are made up to believe in the masks or the make up which is set up appropriately. The animal inside is the most important part of our inner self, it is fatal to ignore this fact. We search meaning of a simple word in a set of complex words, approaching our need, craving, and obsessions with care is necessity. To perform well in a social set up, there needs to be a balance which can be thought, make changes wherever possible and make a final version which could survive and then leave peacefully.

Now all this may seem gibberish and what more than my personal experience or idea? Ideology works better when we come to know ideology is irrational, there is nothing ideal. Truth is overrated, everything in this world is convoluted one way or the other, in different shapes and degrees. Complete picture is not offered, there are many who seek and end up seeking. The pursuit and handling hypocrisy is vital, I am a big fat hypocrite! Yes there I said it. It is not as bad as it seems, personal favors are ought to happen, feeling at ease on those base make things simple. The policies, principles are as true as you want them to be, wake up one day you can erase them all. The next day reboot, even love, connection is strong conviction which arose due to repeated thinking.

In short, demons are common, the way we accept it and handle makes the picture. No Hero, no Villain, there is just different stories, based on truth and lies of various scales.